Abstract Submission

Take the Stage

Be part of AVC MEET 4 program, submit your abstract Now

Selection process

Evaluation of submissions will be based on quality, clarity, relevance and educational value for the audience. AVC MEET 4 Selection Committee will review submissions without access to the authors’ name, institution or country.
Selected abstracts will be included in one of two types of session: either in a traditional abstract session for oral presentations on one particular topic.

Submission guidelines

  • Abstracts must be submitted electronically, before the 1st of March 2018.
  • Please build your abstract as per the following framework:

    • Aims (ideally one to two sentences)
    • Methods and results
    • Conclusions(ideally two to three sentences)
  • Your abstract must not exceed 3,500 characters including spaces.
  • The title should be written in lower case (not in capital letters).
  • The abstract title must not include any trade names (these may, however, be used in the content of your text).
  • Please prepare your text in “Times New Roman” font.
  • Tables are not accepted in the abstract submission and selection processes.
  • Abstracts including any form of table will be rejected and will not enter the selection process.
  • Once the closing date has passed, you will not be able to modify your abstract.

Invitation / notification

  • The Acceptance Announcement will be on the 15th of March 2018.